by Cheryl Aguilar | Feb 24, 2018 | Artículos en Español
Nuestra salud mental determina como nos sentimos emocionalmente, como pensamos, y como nos comportamos. Cuidar de nuestra salud mental es igual de importante que cuidar de nuestra salud física. Es más, tener una buena salud mental influye todo nuestro bienestar de...
by Cheryl Aguilar | Feb 21, 2018 | HOPE
The latest school shooting and tragedy in Florida on Valentine’s Day, that took the lives of 17 innocent people and threatened the emotional safety of community members, is a reminder of how flawed our systems are and how much work we have ahead to ensure safety. No...
by Cheryl Aguilar | Feb 5, 2018 | Read with us
Welcome! And thank you for reading along with me! In my therapy work, I come across great books of inspiration, wellness techniques, healing, self-growth and self-improvement that are too good to keep to myself. The authors are fellow therapists,...
by Cheryl Aguilar | Feb 5, 2018 | HOPE
When I first heard artist’s Logic song 1-800-273-8255, which is the number to the suicide prevention hotline, I was in awe and grateful for his courage to use his celebrity status to spread awareness of such an important topic: LIFE. And just like...
by Cheryl Aguilar | Feb 5, 2018 | Artículos en Español
Cuando escuché por primera vez la canción titulada 1-800-273-8255, que es el número de la línea directa de prevención de suicidios, e interpretada en Inglés por el rapero Logic y en versión bilingüe en colaboración de Logic y Juanes, me quedé impresionada y agradecida...