#SaludMentalADiario: Socializa

#SaludMentalADiario: Socializa

Es el mes de la Salud Mental. Estamos compartiendo fotos de actividades que promueven #saludmentaladiario. Socializa. Estudios sugieren que las conexiones sociales afectan nuestro estado de ánimo y nuestra salud mental, ayudando a disminuir síntomas de depresión,...
#EveryDayMentalHealth: Eat Healthy

#EveryDayMentalHealth: Eat Healthy

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media  of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health.Eat Healthy. There is growing research about how nutrition impacts our mental health. Studies...
#SaludMentalADiario: Recurre a la Naturaleza

#EveryDayMentalHealth: Turn to Nature

Photo credit: Evelyn G. MoralesIt’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media  of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health.Turn to nature. What was it like the last time you were...