Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only thing constant in life is change”. Whether it is the changing of seasons, moving, or watching your kids grow up, change always surrounds us. Life is a series of transitions and changes and can be both big and small,...
What We Are Reading: Rewire your Anxious Brain
With so much uncertainty in our lives caused by the pandemic, anxiety predominated in 2020, among many other mental health challenges. After having named anxiety as part of our experience last year, this year we can continue to learn and practice the tools that are...
Wellness Based Year-End Reflection Questions & Strategies to Activate Hope and Resilience
“Imagine the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible,”- Charles Eisentein.
How to Survive the Holidays if You are Hurting
The holiday season is here. And like every year around this time, we are getting bombarded with advertising, social media messages and reminders about the joyful spirit this season brings and the happiness we are expected to feel or experience. But what happens if you...
Stillness in the Midst of the Unknown
We are getting down to the wire. For all of us, our futures depend on what is going to happen on November 3rd and for a lot of people, there is a lot more at stake. Our minds driven by our innate survival instinct to protect ourselves, to plan, are hyper focused on...
Why do I still Feel This Way? Strategies for Continuous Coping
It’s been over a month, but it may feel like an eternity, since Covid-19 was deemed a pandemic in the United States. Life as we knew it has been disrupted. It is probably safe to say that there isn’t a single person in the world that hasn’t been impacted by the...
A Mindful and Easy to Follow Recipe for Changing Habits
I can't think of a more fitting book to read as we, as individuals and community, work to endure the Coronavirus pandemic and have to adapt to new norms and evaluate, and change some of our existing habits. With his kind wisdom and guidance, Hugh Byrne, a leading...
Supporting Families that have Fed Us, Community Partner Spotlight
The Coronavirus pandemic has shaken all of us to our core. These are different times, times of adjustment, times of grief and loss, times of uncertainty but they are also times of opportunities. Perhaps we have not gotten there yet, where we can have perspective...
Lidiando con el temor al Coronavirus
Con el Coronavirus extendiéndose rápidamente a lo largo del mundo y llegando cerca de nosotros a nuestras comunidades, el miedo que podemos experimentar como individuos no solo se está convirtiendo en ansiedad, sino en un contagio emocional comunitario. Imagínese su...
To Our Clients, Transitioning to TeleMental Health During Coronavirus Pandemic
Dear Clients,With the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring COVID-19/Coronavirus as a pandemic and the recent national declaration of state of emergency, to safeguard the health of our clients, our clinicians and community at large, and contribute to the...