With his kind wisdom and guidance, Hugh Byrne, a leading meditation teacher, does a remarkable job to help us self-reflect on our existing behaviors and habits through a process of introspection. Many people, including myself, may find it hard to change habits that are counterproductive, and often times we don’t even know our habits are harmful.

One of the things, I appreciated about reading Habit Swap is that Hugh begins by helping us to identify and naming harmful habits potentially outside of our radar and to tune in to emotions driving some habits and behaviors. Weaving in mindfulness, Hugh’s provides simple and easy to follow steps to help us move towards our desired goals of change, with an opportunity for practicing and continued self-reflection as we read along.

Many people I talk to have found integrating mindfulness to every day life difficult. Habit Swap provides an opportunity to not only learn how to practice mindfulness for habit change but how to incorporate mindfulness in our daily lives in a seamless way.

There was so much joy in understanding that habit change does not have to be complicated and that with a mindfulness nonjudgmental and awareness approach our goals for change are better supported.

Enjoy reading along with us!

Hugh Byrne leads weekly meditations, retreats and workshops, now available online. He is the co-founder of the Mindfulness Training Institute. To learn more about Hugh go to https://hugh-byrne.com. 

Cheryl Aguilar is founding director and therapist at Hope Center for Wellness

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