What we are reading

What we are reading

On a cool Sunday afternoon, I walked into a bookstore looking for a new read. This book caught my attention right away. As a mental health therapist, I was curious about the word “mentally” within the title. I was skeptical at first wondering if this was...
Make Self-Care Part of New Year’s Resolutions

Make Self-Care Part of New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of the year, where our enthusiasm for change and newness is so vibrant that we are determined to set new goals, leave what doesn’t serve us behind and launch a fresh start.  It’s a new year!  And with each new beginning, we have endless...
#SaludMentalADiario: Colorea

#SaludMentalADiario: Colorea

Es el mes de la Salud Mental. Estamos compartiendo fotos de actividades que promueven #saludmentaladiario. Colorea. ¿Te acuerdas cuando pintabas en tu infancia? ¿Qué recuerdos te vienen a la mente? Tal vez sentistes alegría, te divertias y te sentistes creativo/a....
#SaludMentalADiario: Colorea

#EveryDayMentalHealth: Color

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media  of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health. Color. Do you remember coloring as a kid? What memories come to mind? Maybe you felt joy,...