It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health. Volunteer. Have you ever volunteered? Do you remember how you felt? Perhaps some things coming to mind are: good,...
#EveryDayMentalHealth: Read a Book
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health.Read a book. Reading has amazing benefits. Research has found that reading can significantly...
#SaludMentalADiario: Lee un Libro
Es el mes de la Salud Mental. Estamos compartiendo fotos de actividades que promueven #saludmentaladiario.Lee un libro. La lectura tiene beneficios increíbles. Varios estudios han encontrado que la lectura puede reducir significativamente su estrés. Un estudio...
#SaludMentalADiario: Toma Una Pausa y Observa a Tu Alrededor
Es el mes de la #saludmental. Estamos compartiendo fotos de actividades que promueven #saludmentaladiario. Toma una pausa y observa lo que te rodea. ¿Alguna vez has sentido como que te estás perdiendo la vida? Vivimos en un mundo acelerado, con muchas...
#EveryDayMentalHealth: Take a Pause and Observe What’s Around You
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health.Take a pause and observe what’s around you. Ever feel like you are missing life? We...
#SaludMentalADiario: Haz Ejercicio
Es el mes de la Salud Mental. Estamos compartiendo fotos de actividades que promueven #saludmentaladiario. Haz ejercicio. Correr, caminar o realizar otro tipo de ejercicio o actividad física liberan sustancias químicas en tu cerebro que te hacen sentir...
#EveryDayMentalHealth: Exercise
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health. Exercise. Running, walking or other types of exercise or physical activity release chemicals in your brain that make...
#SaludMentalADiario: Toma Una Siesta
Es el mes de la Salud Mental. Estamos compartiendo fotos en las redes sociales de actividades que promueven #saludmentaladiario. Toma una siesta. La siestas proporciona muchos beneficios como relajación, reducción de fatiga reducida, mayor estado de alerta,...
#EveryDayMentalHealth: Take a Nap
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health. Take a nap. Napping provides many benefits like relaxation, reduced fatigue, increased...
#EveryDayMentalHealth: Do Something that Makes You Smile
It’s #MentalHealthAwareness Month! We are sharing photos in social media of #everydaymentalhealth activities we can do to enhance our mental health.Do something that makes you smile. Smiling and laughing releases important chemicals in your brain that...